Who We Are

Grace and peace be with you all!

We welcome you to our church community!

Each Sunday at 9:30 am our worship service takes place in our sanctuary. 

The service is live-streamed to our YouTube channel; and then shared on our FaceBook page. Direct links to these sites can be found on the the bottom of this page

Weekly worship materials (a bulletin order to follow) are available via the link on the right hand column of this page (“Worship Bulletins”); such materials will help you participate more fully each Sunday.  Please do make a commitment to join in this time of prayer, message, and music! 

Free Spaghetti Supper

Regular church news can be found under the links to “Weekly Newsletters: The Cornerstone,” and news from Pastor Hubbard-Smith can be found under the links to “News from the Pastor.”  

You will find the church’s statement on current denominational matters here.

Questions? Contact the Church Office.  May God bless our plans and our praise.

103 Monmouth Road

Oakhurst, New Jersey 07755

(732) 531-1150


Office hours are Monday through Friday, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.


9:30 a.m. Worship

9:30 a.m.  Sunday School for Grades Pre-K through Senior High

11:00 a.m.  Adult Sunday School


If you are in need of a spiritual lift, “U R WELCOME” at First United Methodist Church: Oakhurst.

You will find us committed to Christ and responding to you with Christian love.

All members are called to be in ministry.


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We are proud to be handicap accessible.

Handicap Accessible


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Follow us on YouTube!